• f shum english team    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 大熊哥美語短期補習班

      The Big Brother Bear English School is looking for an English teacher to complete its dedicated team. We’re looking for someone to start immediately.The yearly salary is $NT400 000, for 44 weeks of work (we offer 8 weeks of paid vacation a year). The regular bonuses are included in this salary. Th...

      電話:02-26707732    地址:新北市鶯歌區南雅路21號
    2. 新世紀資訊企業社

      ...mized C2C platform, we aim to explore international e-commerce market. Our team consists of e-commerce and multi-media talented guys. We are in testing stage, and we are looking for an experienced web programer to join our team as a core member. Our team members came from overseas and are open minde...

      電話:06-2361862    地址:台南市東區長榮路一段256號10F-6
    3. 台中市私立威頓英語補習班

      ...及文教機構【員工】 5人網站:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/wilton-english 威頓英語學校 (Wilton English School)位於台中市中港路2段78-7號 (台中市政府新址正對面)  全英語補習班徵求國小安親課輔老師,共同發揮愛心,教育我們的下一代。...

      電話:04-37045510    地址:台中市西屯區台中港路2段78-7號
    4. NewLife English Online 一對一 線上 英文

      NewLife English Online 提供一對一的線上英文課 .

      電話:    地址: , 新北市 Taiwan
    5. Natural English


      電話:02-25082618    地址:新北市中和區台北市民權東路3段43號2樓

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